InspirationFor Living A Radiant Heart-Centered Life
3 Daily Affirmations That Shape Extraordinary Lives
When I first heard these affirmations spoken by Florence Scovel Shin I thought they were simple, wise, and achievable. That was before I actively engaged in trying them out.
It's The Simple Things
How would your life potentially transform if you were to eliminate just one thing? By removing just one thing, you can create space to fully embrace and appreciate something simple and life-enriching.
Consistency ~ The friend that will take you from good to great
We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. But, it takes more than that.
Designing A New Life In The Now
Every day I implement a little bit more of my ideas because these baby steps are what get us there ~ to our destination.
Finding Inner Strength on the Awakening Journey
Over the past 3 and a half years, I've been ‘on the road,’ living out of my car, and I’ve taken a deep dive into learning how to love and accept myself as I AM. I had to heal my nervous system from my past traumas and learn how to go on while mending my broken heart over the loss of 3 loving family members.
Feeling Anxious? Stressed Out? Overwhelmed?
Being flexible in our lives is an art ~ when we know how to self regulate our emotions and flow with what’s happening in the moment, our day to day life can feel easier on all levels.
Can Doughnuts Be Healthy?
I love a good donut and nothing can hold me back when I find one! Although, I'm not so crazy about the sugar in most donuts, so this is a wonderful alternative to the sugary ones.
“From Stuck in Resistance to Embracing My Now: An Exploration of Life in the Storms of Cabin Fever”
I’m typically an optimist! But not today.
Transformative Spiritual Affirmations
As I took my pen to the paper, I invited Spirit to flow through me and express whatever words, feelings, and thoughts that wanted to be expressed.
Embracing The Light In Loss
A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky, rushing by like a torrent down the steep mountain.
Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Your contribution and your purpose have great value so why do we believe that what we have to say isn't important?
Emotional Resilience ~ 5 Ways To Bounce Back From Adversity
I kept telling myself to breathe as I learned the news…
The Transformative Gift Of Grief, Loss and Love
Losing my most precious best friend and sister to death from cancer, was an immeasurable loss, leaving me in disbelief, with no words.
Learn How To Start Journaling
With heart-centered prompts and tips, I’ll show you how to release emotions, spark creativity, and connect with your true self.
Love Is All Around You
We all belong to the oneness in this world. I lovingly invite you to make a space in your heart remembering that you are love and that you are loved.