I Thought Abundance Was About Wealth — Until I Discovered the Truth
A story of how one profound realization changed everything.
A few years ago, I thought I knew what abundance meant — until I stood in the doorway of my dream home, feeling empty inside. That moment forced me to confront the truth: abundance wasn’t about material wealth at all. My journey of self-discovery took me beyond possessions and deep into what true abundance really means.
I realize now that I held a narrow, inaccurate perspective on abundance; one influenced by the material world outside. I was equating abundance with status, financial wealth and possessions, believing that once I acquired these things, true abundance would effortlessly flow into my life.
Therefore, I had to have ‘all the stuff first’ before I could feel abundant.
It wasn’t until I held the keys to a brand-new home — everything I had dreamed about for years — that I felt an unexpected wave of sorrow. Standing at the threshold, I should have been overjoyed.
Instead, as I gripped the doorknob, my eyes filled with tears. I realized that despite having everything I thought I wanted — the material comforts, the beautiful home — none of it was going to fill the emptiness inside me. The weight of regret settled in my chest.
I stood there, feeling unfulfilled and deeply unhappy in my marriage, knowing I was at a turning point with no return. It became painfully clear that abundance wasn’t about material wealth or the things I had once chased.
The life I had built wasn’t going to bring me the happiness I had imagined, and in that moment, I began to understand that true abundance extends far beyond possessions or money in the bank.
I was beginning to feel that abundance is not about the acquisition of things. The truth is, possessions do not bring us happiness. They actually tie us down and begin to own us.
What I discovered for myself is that abundance is a feeling in one’s heart. Experiencing this emotion evokes a sense of joy, contentment, happiness, and gratitude for life just as it is.
There’s a knowing that I already possess everything I need.
What I also discovered through Dr. Joe Dispenza’s training is that the concept of wanting or needing something is closely tied to a sense of lack. Believing in scarcity doesn’t align with the divine or the universe’s ability to bestow upon us wonderful blessings.
In my curiosity to explore the concept of abundance, I wanted to know how one of my spiritual mentors, Deepak Chopra explains it.
“True abundance is the experience in which all our needs are easily met and our desires spontaneously fulfilled. We know true abundance when we feel joy, health, happiness, a sense of purpose, and vitality in every moment of our existence.” Deepak Chopra
Deepak’s definition of abundance beautifully captured the profound essence that deeply resonated with my soul.
It was as if I had finally crossed the bridge to a long-awaited truth — and there it was, waiting for me all along.
A reflection of our true essence—pure, radiant, and full of possibility. When we embrace our inner abundance, we step into the beauty and power of who we truly are.
True abundance is not about accumulating ‘things’, it is about finding happiness within and knowing that in every moment I can choose abundance by simply believing that all my needs are met.
As Deepak shares, my needs are met by the feeling that they are already here, and our desires show up in spontaneous ways. So embracing this feeling, along with a mindset of gratitude and positivity, abundance and fulfillment becomes my life.
Another valuable insight I learned from ‘Abraham’ (an American author and speaker on the law of attraction) speaks of focusing on the good and creating affirmations around gratitude and positivity.
When we create a mindset focusing on these two values, we are taking concrete steps to deposit these qualities in our vibrational escrow.
Hence, more abundance.
If we can lean in and trust that our affirmations will manifest into increased joy, satisfaction, and alignment with our desired reality, then it shall be.
Another integrative part of this formula is to embrace the feeling of our positive affirmations and watch as our experiences begin to match the vibrational frequency we are emitting!
Each morning, I start my day with this affirmation, directing my energy toward the path I want to create.
An Affirmation For Living An Abundant Life
“With an attitude of gratitude, I live in an awareness of abundance, and I am richly blessed. Every day, I take time to acknowledge all the good that blesses my life. I am so happy and grateful that I am the creator of my reality. Today, I am grateful to be alive and filled with serenity and happiness.”