time to go shopping
#1. Grab that grocery list that came with your cleanse supplements and take it with you or snap a pic.
#2. Avoid the middle isles of the store. If you typically stroll through the store in and out of every aisle, hey, you’ll have to get those extra steps somewhere else for now. This time, you’ll be shopping pretty much the perimeter of the store and you’re outta there! 😊
#3. Shop locally at your health food grocer or farm stands. I like to practice this habit because they have a better selection of seasonal, local healthy foods to keep me on my game and enhance that vitality glow.
#4. No Fear. When you come across food on the list that you don’t recognize, grab it anyway. We’ve probably got a recipe to put that in. Be brave (we know you are) and embrace new foods. You may find that you really enjoy them.
#5. Remember, you’ll want to have already begun to cut back on caffeine, meats, dairy, alcohol, and sugar if you haven’t already. These items are nixed during your cleanse.
#6. Tune into these quick videos that I made just for you.
Videos: Learn how to select, store and get the maximum benefit of these power foods on your list. Which foods to buy organic and which ones don’t matter.