A Tiny But Mighty Prayer ~ When you are feeling overwhelmed

There’s a simple little prayer I read in Sonia Choquette's book “ Trust Your Vibes” that I really like and want to share with you. Maybe you’ll enjoy it too. It encompasses everything I need to affirm, knowing that when I say it, my miracles are coming.

The prayer is simply this:

“Divine spirit within me

aligned with the power of God

Move me this day

Move my mind, heart, my body, and feet

In the direction of my highest good, and good of all.”

Amen and so it is.

I like to pray the instant I wake up. Try it and see how it goes for you. Sometimes I just lay in bed and meditate with prayer. I give thanks for my life and pray for guidance, protection, wisdom, assistance, and anything that feels heavy on my heart.

When I pray, I include the world, my family, and my friends, asking for miracles throughout their day. I turn each moment of the day into a prayer when I remember. It’s a simple conversation I can have at any time with God, knowing that he never leaves me and is always by my side.

May you be well, may you be peaceful, may you be free.

All the love, Shelley


3 Prompts + 3 Quotes


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