Finding Your True Self

Do you know who you are?

Why you are here?

What is your purpose in life?

I've never been one who is keen on labels. Most of us often define ourselves by what we do, not who we are. πŸ’«

We are not our job, we are not our position at work, and we are not our profession. πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ 

No. πŸ›‘ 

You are so much more than that.

You are powerful beyond your wildest dreams! 🌟 

You are absolutely, wonderfully, and perfectly made. πŸ™

You are magic, a dreamer, a co-creator of your life. πŸ‘

You are a child of God, 

You are greatness.  πŸ₯‡ 

You are divinely guided. ⭐️

You are a light in this universe.

You are a spiritual being having a physical experience here on earth.

You are filled with wonder, magic, and more than you can imagine.

Your soul has a purpose, and that purpose is waiting for you.

The world wants to hear what you have to say.  πŸ“£ 

Expect miracles to happen, especially big ones. 🎁 

Listen to that still small voice within and come home to yourself. ❀️ πŸ’‘ 

IMAGINE….What would it feel like to live a meaningful life and stay true to yourself, to be brave, & vulnerable, to be willing to take risks and to fail? We must commit to who we are and who we want to become if we want to get to where we want to go.

It's your time, especially if you've read this far. πŸ’« πŸ¦… 

Lots of love, Shelley


Enjoy a companion article right here:

PS Remember to wear your crown today!πŸ‘‘


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