Shaping Your Destiny Every Single Day

Practicing the power of choice can transform your life.

Exercising my voice with the power of choice has created more freedom in my life than anything else combined. It’s how I live my life today. It’s how I get up every morning with excitement in my belly to be alive. Practicing this on the daily opened up a world of limitless possibilities for my life and it can do the same for you.

“Your voice is the most potent magic in existence.” unknown

When you wake up in the morning, do you have an intentional plan for your day? I remember when I lived in a world without giving much thought to what I wanted to do every day.

After I woke up, the next 18 hours were usually created for me in a way where I lived by default.

I would wake up in the morning, not having any morning routine that dictated my day with intention. I’d get dressed in my workout clothes, grab a cup of coffee with cream along with my black leather-bound appointment book, and run out the door to teach at my aerobic studio.

The day would unfold in such a way that there were frequent distractions, and in between appointments and classes was a space of unfulfilled dreams. At that time I didn’t realize that I had a choice in the matter.

I was just living my life like everyone else, (I thought) doing what I loved and not thinking about much else. My head was scattered inside; like a mouse on a treadmill. And on the outside, I was running just like that mouse.

Looking back at my life I realize that that was all I knew at the time. And today, I know differently.

Today, I understand I do have a choice in the matter, and I can create my day just how I want it to happen.

This is the power of choice.

When we realize that life is for living the way we want it to go, everything changes. Your ‘no’s’ become no; your yes’s feel hella good!

When I wake up in the morning now, I have a simple routine that opens up the day for possibilities and positivity and this has been a huge game changer in my life.

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine,”- Mike Murdock.

I pray, and then I do a body scan while I’m still in bed.

Next, I envision how I want my day to go, followed by three positive affirmations that I created for myself.

I end this simple practice with some simple breathwork, breathing in for four seconds, holding for seven seconds, and exhaling for eight seconds. Then I repeat this three times.

Living life by default can have its benefits. You get to stay in your comfort zone and make other people responsible for your life and your decisions.

You may even think that this is the way life is. And you repeat day in and day out until one day you wake up and realize that your life isn’t the way you thought it would be.

If that’s the case, now is the time for putting into practice the power of choice.

Everything changes when you take charge of your life. Deciding to get rid of one bad habit and adopting one positive habit is a great start to a new life.

“If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.” Jim Rohn

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Every day.

When I nurture my thoughts with great imagination and ideas, positive things come my way. That’s part of the creation process.

Tomorrow morning when you wake up, exhale the past and inhale a renewed you! Practice the simple morning routine I shared and let me know how it goes for you.


Before You Go

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This article was inspired and written from my mountain home in Northern California where I live with two feral kitties.


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