Anchored In Hope

The favor of God is in your future and in this moment.

This day is a beautiful, magnificent gift from God. May you be sure to unwrap it’s grace and beauty completely.

To love, believe, achieve, receive and give in these next 24 hours is God’s desire you you.

Nothing is impossible today, because with God we have HOPE- nothing is impossible to Him.

God is still on the throne. He is bigger than any challenge in front of you. May you put your hope in HIm.

He is our Rock. He created you with a divine destiny.

Anchored in HOPE- All is well.

Morning Prayer

Dearest God,

On this day I pray that you hear my every cry, my every hope, my every dream.

I am grateful for this day and everything it holds. From the simple to the complex.

I know with you nothing is impossible. You have created me for your greatness.

Be with me today in every moment, every decision.

May I keep believing in the “im-possible.”

Your breath is an anointing on me.

Your grace is sufficient for all my needs.

Your infinite power makes everything impossible, possible.

Shelley Marenka, INspired Living


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